Sunday, January 2, 2011


Love it or hate it?  I feel I have a love hate relationship with technology.  Why????  Well since I'm in the process of divorce I have to say that there are times I need to talk to my girls.  Well since NO ONE has a home phone these days that is not always possible.  Most people seem to have these huge dead zones in there house including myself.  But when you are in the need for a girl talk and the only thing you can do is text..... Hello are you out there, well there is not always an answer.  Most people don't carry their phones with them through the house so they don't know you text them until they check..... that can be a long time when you need to vent.
Lets review texting.
Can have conversations while doing other things, no one can hear you!
Can have more than 1 conversation at a time without upsetting anyone.
Can talk to "ex" without talking.  Voices care much more emotion than a text.
Did someone not see your text or are they choosing to ignore you?
Sometimes its nice to hear a voice.
People have time to think of the "right" answer.
Another technology complain is trying to figure out how to transfer my ipod library from 1 computer to another.  Is ipod a language that is a secret cause is seems like it. 

Anyway today was a day of cleaning.  Cleaning can be therapeutic.  I would like to think I was cleaning up the old to make room for the new.  New ideas, new thoughts, eventually new people.  I hate to refer to a person as the old cause I thought at a certain age I would never erase people out of my life.  I still hope that but I have to be realistic that my husband will probably never be able to be a part of my life after the divorce.  He won't move on and won't be able to see me move on so it will be better for little contact.
In the end, my house is close to the level of clean I like and I feel that I have accomplished another day, another task and today was a little easier.  Cross our fingers for tomorrow.

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