Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Wow what a day.
So I am focusing on the good right! 

I had a meeting at one of my buildings today and it went good.
I made a dessert that everyone liked.
I still have a job...LOL
I talked to my husband and we were civil.

So here's what didn't go so good:
I didn't get all the work done I planned.
The state walked into another building and the surveyor I have to deal with sounds new...not good.
I no longer get Friday off.  (state)
I didn't get to make the calls I needed to.
I didn't work out.

So what stood out to me...  My time in the elevator.  If you have to ask never mind!

I am looking forward to my weekend plans.  Should be lots of fun.  I need some fun.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Huh! My phone conversations didn't stand out to you at all!?! I'll try to catch you in the elevator! LOL

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