Monday, May 16, 2011


SOOO much has happened since last post.

First I went on an amazing vacation.  It was the most enjoyable vacation I have taken. 
I had a relaxing, fun and eventful vacation.  With NO DRAMA!!!  and though I will not say much I will say my vacation did involve a serious mending of my heart.

Also on Saturday I had dinner with friends for our usual dinner and my BDay.  A friend I haven't seen in 4 months came.  It was nice to see him.  I am glad he is doing well and hope he will come back to see us again soon.  My very considerate and supportive friends got me a kindle and a gift card to buy books.  Love it.

I also go a book from my philosophy friend.  The book of Awakening.   I am really getting into this universe is connected thing and have very much enjoyed  the first 3 days I have read.  I actually may pass on her tradition to give this book to friends.  I might go get it for my sister too!

I am very excited for this summer, I have a feeling it is going to be a very enlightening time for me.  I plan to get to know what makes me happy and go for it!!

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