Thursday, May 19, 2011

finding new love

So I have now been separated for 6 months just waiting on my divorce to be finalized. 
People are talking about dating with me.  I have some reservations on what I need to do.

YES I want to have fun and dating can be fun.
YES I know that I should look around see what is out there.

So here is the question..... 
IF I find someone and it's sooner that later and this person makes me happy am I silly if I don't keep looking?
Who says you have to go through 5 or 10 people first.
So in saying that... I think I am going to try to "be one with the universe" and let myself be free and the answer will find me...
When and if I find that person if I am supposed to be with them the universe will lead me back to them over and over right???? 
I guess I am worried that I will think its the universe when really it's me leading myself back. 

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