Monday, February 7, 2011

Heres to Change!

So I spent Superbowl night with some old friends.  I had a good time.  It was a bit uncomfortable at times at first.  Some times when you haven't seen people in years you are a little worried that you no longer have anything in common.  While that was slightly true last night, we still had catching up to do.   So here I am thinking I have such a sad story to tell... Ive never had kids, I'm getting divorced....  boy I was not alone.

The sad stories seemed to be in plenty last night.  Thus the uncomfortable times of the night.  I got this strange feeling that while everyone was out and having fun overall this group of people definately is not the group it used to be.  The group in a whole appeared somewhat sad or depressed.  Life had not been easy for most of them.   When you haven't seen people in years and they have absolutely NOTHING good to report it really makes you take a look at yourself.  I haven't had everything so easy  but I have good things to report.  Things I do that are fun and interesting.  Places I have been that stand out to me.  This makes me feel good.  I have managed to live my life meaningful over the years and I am worried that not all my old friends have been able to do this.  I have so many great memories of these people.  So many times when we just laughed for hours.  We all seemed to understand each other and easily fit together as friends.

I'm not so sure I fit anymore.  At least not with all of them.  But that's okay with me.  I will continue to stay in touch with them and maybe one day again this will be the happy group I used to know.  Maybe I will be able to help some of them live life a little more freely. 

So I guess what I am saying is again a decision I made to venturing outside of what I knew and what was comfortable has appeared to help me.  Leaving a close group of friends brought me to a new place and a new group with a completely different life, lifestyle and out look.  This gives me even more excitement that my new venture will bring about even more diversity and good time to my life. Here to change!

1 comment:

Pippi said...

very insightful...

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