Monday, February 21, 2011

Finding peace

I think this can mean something different to everyone of course but also something different at specific times in your life!

What does this mean to me right now????

1.  Knowing the decision I made to end my marriage is right for me.... yes.
2.  Knowing I am on track with improving my life.... yes.
3.  Being supportive of my friends and not judging them for their actions.... yes.
4.  Being open to new friends and experiences to improve my life...yes.
5.  Knowing that I will not repeat the same mistakes I have made in the past...this one is ongoing and needs to be reviewed at all times.

So on that I have been very busy....
I started a new ab workout.
I have been spending time with my friends, went to see circ de sole... think that's the right spelling...???
I have hung out with some "new" friends and will try to spend more time with them soon.

I think its sooo important to me to find peace because for so many years now I have been living in caos with all that was happening.  It seemed as if one problem would get solved and there was another one.  Yes I know that's what happens, life is not perfect or easy but the problems that had to be dealt with were brought on by someones actions so technically I should never have had to deal with them if not for you know who!
I do feel at peace these days... I am thankful for that and plan to keep it that way!

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