Thursday, February 10, 2011

All things heal

So once again I get some wisdom from a TV show.  Today's is just what I said in the title....

In time all things heal.  This is true. 
Well there are times we all feel like our hearts will never mend, they will.  We are strong we can move on. 

I once made a decision that when I think back to it, even I with all my knowledge and understanding of life and death as I deal with it daily, still have a hard time remembering that I really didn't make the decision.

I was there when a family member was dying.  I knew they did not want to be resuscitated.  When I was asked to make the call, I let them go.  I still hurt when I think about it.  I, me- made the call to let someone I loved go.  But I know it was what they wanted so I really only followed what they had said.  I really only took what I was given.... information and a situation and applied it.  At the time it was actually an easy call to make.  It is when it was over and I had time for my heart to get involved that I started to hurt.

So I guess when people say should I listen to my heart or my head?  The real answer is if you choose your head you will still one day have to listen to your heart.
I'm not sure if it works the other way as I am someone that I think listens and makes a choice with my head, I am logical.  I know sooner or later my heart will speak but, if I know I made the smart decision the one that makes sense my heart will heal.

Some may say that you need to make decisions with your heart, my feeling is my heart is not smart so if I make a decision based on emotion won't I continue to make more wrong choices?

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