Monday, July 11, 2011

Too much

Well there is a lot to say.
Just got back from a family vacation....enough

Also I am at a turning point.... its time to officially say goodbye to my ex.  He is coming to pack up some of his belongings and I am just realizing that I have moved on but not said goodbye....
Does that make sense?
I am furious and over my ex but saying goodbye seems to be hard.   I can't figure this out and wish there was someone with some wisdom out there for me.

So whats next?   Good question.....
I am at a stand still with some relationships in my life and questioning if I should start new ones. 
Part of me feels that I need to hold off on new relationships, part of me is ready to get started.
I have so many uncertainties in my head at this time and I'm not sure how to figure any of them out.
So instead I am doing the typical thing, filling my days with work and other non-personal things....

Here is to confusion and frustration.... if anyone has a solution let me know!  Funny since I really only have 1 follower and I talked to her today...

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