Saturday, January 22, 2011

Life lessons

This has been a good weekend.  I have a lot of things I want to share swirling around in my head too.  Where do I start and how long winded should I get is the question.

I always knew I was a strong person, sometimes I almost think I'm too strong.  I almost think life would be easier if I was weaker.  Less outspoken.
I think I push my self SOOOO hard sometimes because I know I can with stand so much.  But am I doing myself any favors by pushing so hard?  I guess the answer must me yes.  After all I am where I am today only because of that.  I think to many people take the easy way out because they think something is too hard or they won't succeed.  I may not do something great or be the most successful but I am not going to let that dictate my decisions!
We will make it though anything... The saying it's not gonna kill you is pretty much the truth.  So not taking the chance is just crazy.  No, I don't have all the answers or so I am lonely for a couple days but at the end of that journey I will have done something, met someone or had an experience I would not have otherwise had and isn't that what life is about, experiences.

I think our parents generation thought life was about marriage, kids and a house.  I think we realize its more.  Who comes to your house, whose houses do you visit.  What do you take from those visits?
Each of my friends has a different perspective to offer and each teaches me something I may not have learned on my own I am a better person for what I learn. 

This is one thing I am learning these days....
I lost myself for a while and I am getting to know myself again but it's not the old me it's the new wiser me.  The one who soaks up what she can, gets what she needs from the moment and uses that for the times when there is nothing.  Take the laughs when they are there, the tears when you need to and make sure you appreciate them both equally.

1 comment:

Travelin' Mike said...

I enjoyed your post!

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