Monday, January 17, 2011

I have a new goal

I have been concentrating so much on my mental well being I have neglected my... bum.

I was working out 30 min a day on the treadclimer, doing an ab routine, push ups and 200 squats-5 times a week.  Lately I have not worked out more than once a week.  Thank god I have still lost weight but I need to get back into toning up...

Thus my new goal is to be able to wear a Victoria Secrets cheeckies bathing suit this summer and not look like a 36 year old...

I have to admit I am enjoying my weight loss.  Last week I was working and a lady asked me when I was going to turn 30.  Really... she was shocked when I told her I am 35.  She said that I looked older when I was heavier but that since I lost weight she thought maybe she had just judged my age wrong.....YEAH!

Since I go into work late tomorrow... I have made a promise to myself and my work out coach that I will work out in the AM.   Here's to my work out coach who always knows when to ask if I have been working out and when to give me my slacking space. 

PS... Lulu said I have a nice butt.... I knew she was my best friend!  LOL

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