Tuesday, January 11, 2011


The snow gave me so much today, kind of crazy when I think about it.  I didn't ask for it, not sure I wanted it but I got it and accepted it, what else could I do?

On my way out of work it was fresh and glittering it was beautiful.  I thought to myself why do I always say I hate the snow.  How could you hate something that looks like this?
On the LONG drive home it was a pain in the ass and pushed me around the road, somehow I only passed 1 accident.
At home I had to shovel, though I haven't shoveled in a long time it felt good, helped relieve the stress of my day and set my mind at ease.

So the snow in a matter of 4 hours gave me everything from beauty to back ache...lol, without me asking and without me thinking if I would allow it to do these things.

So i am wondering....  Is there a way to live your life like everything is snow?
Let it come, don't think you can control it....
Deal with it the best way you can, and appreciate what it has done for you that day...

After all you can worry about what to do but can you really control it?  So is all that worry worth it?
Sounds good BUT I'm a control freak and I have serious doubts I will ever be able to live my life this way.... So I guess I will just appreciate the moments when I can and learn to recognize them be it snow or anything else!


Anonymous said...

Really that's disgustingly insightful. I'm not sure how I feel about it....I am inclined to think the snow traumatized you so much that you are halucinating?!

Pippi said...

Reality is, and I know you all think i'm some sort of new-age freak, you actually do control your entire universe. You are constantly creating and manifesting everything in your life whether you are conscience of it or not. What you did was correct, by appreciating something...the universe will send you more of whats "good" to you. This is the most important tool when it comes to the Law of Attraction: The universe responds to gratitude. period. Be grateful for everything in your life and all good things will come.

Pippi said...

**I meant Conscious! not conscience...damn it I type faster than my brain can comprehend!

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