Well it has been over a year since my last post. I won't lie, I was busy living my AMAZING life, LOL. I really thought I was, today I had a slap in the face and I'm lost again and over this whole thing.
I am with the man that I previously talked about (NO, not the ex). I have been sooo happy with him and our relationship. Things have been smooth and moving forward. He asked me to meet his family, his whole family. I loved them and felt like I fit right in.
We were planning our travel schedule for next year and plan to move in together in 2014.
Sounds great, right?????
Well then why am I flooded with concerns? I know I am ready to move forward and he isn't.
I know he plans to but he wants this one last year to move slow, I agree with my head but my heart is already past the year.
This is all new to me, I have never been so in love before I moved forward based on my heart, not my head. My head is now telling me to run. See I have always been the one with the least emotions and the tables are turned. I am the chaser not the chasie. This end sucks!! I'm not sure what to do, go out and occupy my time, see what happens or sit back and deal with my emotional turmoil?
Here's to hoping I wake up with the answer, Happy New Year.